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TAMIL NADU – Unions in India are demanding a binding agreement from brands to end systemic gender-based violence in supply chains after a garment worker at a H&M supplier factory was allegedly murdered by her supervisor. Jeyasre Kathiravel, a 20-year-old Dalit garment worker at Natchi Apparels, is said to have suffered months of sexual harassment and intimidation on the factory floor prior to her murder.

Police reports say a man working as a supervisor at Natchi Apparels has confessed and been charged with her abduction and murder. Her family allege the young girl was also raped and are awaiting the result of a forensic report.

In a disturbing twist to the story, the owner of Natchi Apparels, Eastman Exports Global, is said to have sent a “mob” of 50 men to threaten and coerce the family of Jayasre Kathiravel.

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