LENZING – Consumers are more likely to purchase clothing and textiles from brands which use terms such as ‘Eco-friendly’, ‘Biodegradable’, ‘Natural’ and ‘Recyclable’ according to a new survey of 9,000 consumers in nine countries. The research found that transparency is key to winning trust, while more than 70 per cent of surveyed consumers said they will actively educate themselves on sustainability through researching the production process and over 85 per cent tend to read product label hangtags.
The survey was carried out by Austrian speciality fibres business Lenzing. The study found that almost all (86 per cent) of respondents believe purchasing clothes made from “sustainable raw materials” is a key component of living a more sustainable lifestyle, and they frequently purchase products from brands that are committed to using sustainable raw materials (80 per cent) or recycled materials (77 per cent) in their products.
The survey also revealed that the majority of respondents (76 per cent) actively learn about sustainability through researching the production process of products before purchasing.
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