BRUSSELS – The Dutch Government has called for the restriction of uses of PFAS and all products containing them. The proposal has been backed by countries such as Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Norway, as well as the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA). The issue was discussed at a recent EU Council meeting after a joint briefing note was submitted by the Netherlands, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg. The briefing note referred back to the Council Conclusions from earlier this year and the need for the EU Commission to “develop an action plan to eliminate all non-essential uses of PFAS.”
PFAS are a large group of substances known for their water, grease and dirt repelling properties and have been used since the 1950s’ in applications including waterproof clothing. Their use in the outdoor clothing industry remains widespread, by brands such as Patagonia. While several non-fluorinated alternatives to PFAS have been launched, none have yet achieved comparable oil repellence results to PFAS.
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