NEW YORK – An investigation by the Wall Street Journal has found that Amazon is listing clothing from Bangladeshi factories that leading US and European retailers have said are too dangerous to allow into their supply chains. It found clothing such as pants and sweaters from factories which were not affiliated to either the Bangladesh Accord or the Alliance for Bangladesh Worker Safety. The former is a binding agreement among European retailers while the latter is a non-binding arrangement by their US counterparts.
A spokesperson from Bangladesh who wished to remain unnamed told Apparel Insider that Amazon has witnessed a major surge in popularity among ready-made garment (RMG) factories looking to sell online – suggesting the Journal’s findings could be the top of the ice-berg. They told us that many factories use middleman to place products on the site – often giving up a huge cut in the process – while some use Fulfilment by Amazon (FBA) which sees Amazon store products for third parties as well as picking, packing and shipping them to customers.
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